Mother Mother, a five-piece band hailing from Vancouver, Canada delivered an energetic show at Highline Ballroom last Wednesday night. Dedicated fans and newcomers alike were immediately entranced once the band walked on stage. The crowd was instantly moving on the dance floor, as drummer Ali Siadat and bassist Jeremy Page held down the beat; while singing along to the avante garde lyrics that lead singer, Ryan Guldemond delivered, along with female vocalists Molly Guldemond and Jasmin Parkin trading the vocal spotlight for a handful of songs.

Mother Mother

Mother Mother

Mother Mother

Mother Mother

Mother Mother

Mother Mother

Mother Mother

Mother Mother

Mother Mother

Mother Mother

Mother Mother

Mother Mother

Mother Mother

Mother Mother

Mother Mother

Mother Mother


The band’s latest album “Very Good Bad Thing” received great exposure throughout their entire set as the band played a good chunk of songs from VGBT. They intertwined old favorites such as “O My Heart,” “Hayloft” and “Ghosting” into the set as well, to keep their older fans equally as pleased. Guldemond closed off the night with a heart-warming banter about the band hitting a milestone playing Highline Ballroom, a mid-sized NYC ballroom, opposed to smaller clubs they were usually accustomed to — It’ll be exciting to see which venue the band books next time they pass through New York on tour!

Mother Mother

Mother Mother

Mother Mother

Mother Mother

Mother Mother

Mother Mother

Mother Mother

Mother Mother

Mother Mother

Mother Mother

Mother Mother

Mother Mother

Mother Mother

Mother Mother

Mother Mother

Mother Mother


Article: Vicky Dinka


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