If you are like me, you feel that it is too cold for life right now. I’d rather spend my days curled up under a blanket and watch reruns of Law and Order SVU than venture out into the 6 degree weather. But that only lasts so long before cabin fever evolves into a borderline claustrophobic reaction. I’m getting antsy for the warm weather. The days are finally getting longer but what a tease because they are also getting colder. Winter are you over yet?
I needed some motivation, something to get excited about and shake the winter fog. I reached out to the fabulous Pancakes and Whiskey team and asked everyone to send me their favorite tunes. The songs that help them get through the long winter. Here it is, our playlist to you. For those nights you need the extra motivation to brave the blistery night or the ones you chose to stay in with some friends and your favorite bottle of whiskey. Enjoy!
Article by: Chrissy Lush