James Alex is a man who keeps his promises. The lead singer stepped on stage at Music Hall of Williamsburg and declared, “We’re Beach Slang and we’re here to punch you in the heart.” From that moment on, complete madness ensued.

Beach Slang



Beach Slang
The Philadelphia based band tore apart the stage on their first night of the tour. They kicked off with “Hard Luck Kid,” a track on their most recent album, The Things We Do To Find People Who Feel Like Us. Alex took requests from the audience and recited his punk-rock manifesto. They introduced a new track, “Spin the Dial” and played snippets of songs by The Replacements. When Alex digressed too far, Ed McNulty (bass) and Ruben Gallego (guitar) anchored him and reminded him what song was next in the queue.



Beach Slang

The crowd was rowdy as hell and loved every minute of the set. When Alex introduced “Dirty Cigarettes” and began “I like my martinis like my cigarettes,” the audience finished the line by shouting “Dirty!” The brutal honesty and energy of the band are one reason why fans are so intoxicated when it performs. Another is the group makes everyone feel like they are contributing to the night.





Beach Slang
The show was a collective effort of all members and the three opening bands. Potty Mouth, Dyke Drama and Constant Companion played their part as punk muses on the side stage. Individuals dove from the stage into a crowd and surfed to the bar and back to the stage. Even after a six-song encore, the audience was not ready to disperse. Beach Slang will be touring the U.S. through May before they head to Europe.

Potty Mouth



Potty Mouth

Potty Mouth

Potty Mouth
Article: Alx Bear