Playing to a beyond sold-out crowd at Terminal 5, BØRNS took his place onstage, and cemented his name amongst the most seasoned performers to stand where they have so many times before.


Born Garrett Borns, the singer/songwriter wasted no time connecting with the crowd, who howled and applauded in response to his every move. With his signature wavy locks reacting to him bounding back and forth across the stage, the “Electric Love” singer breathed life into selections from his debut studio album, Dopamine.


Down in the thick of the audience, fan members threw their undergarments and balloons onto the stage, but it was the kazoo that landed onstage that caused BØRNS to take a minute to talk to the crowd and laugh about the situation. His confidence and stage presence proved unshakeable, just like his voice, which sounded pristine the entire night.


Up in the balcony area, couples took time to dance together and friends happily sang along to their favorite songs, proving BØRNS’ star-status is here to stay.


Article: Lesley Keller