Sometimes a mid-week show is just what the mind needs to get through the rest of the week, so I headed on over to the Bowery Electric to catch up with Pete RG. If you’re an avid reader, then you may know a bit about Pete and his fantastic band as we’ve covered him twice last year at Pianos and again at the now defunct Kings County Saloon. We also interviewed the L.A. based artist and you can read up on that here, before a brand new interview with him runs later this week.

Bowery Electric
Always early, I was able to catch a fantastic young soul-act known as Mike Liegel that took me by surprise with a immense vocal performance and tight band. The place was as packed as I’ve seen it for an early set and the small room was jammed-tight with friends and family who cheered like crazy after each song. Following, was The Majorleans and their gritty style of NYC rock.

Mike Liegel

Mike Liegel

The Majorleans

The Majorleans
At 10:30 Pete RG and his band consisting of Brina Kabler on keyboards/vocals, Dave Krusen on drums, Adam Kury on bass and Kevin Haaland on the guitar – immediately ripped into “Our Escape.” The rest of the 40 minute set was heavy on the band’s newest album, Tender Souls including my personal favorite “Reload.”

Pete RG

Dave Krusen


Brina Kabler

Pete RG

Pete RG

Pete RG
One big thing I noticed since last years shows, was how tight the band has become after touring with Candlebox and showed off some serious jamming near the end of the set on “I Believe.” All in all, the night did what it was supposed to and felt great the rest of the week knowing that really good bands never give in; they just work harder and harder to make the world a better place with their music.

Pete RG



Dave Krusen



In the past, I’ve likened Pete RG to “Neil Diamond on steroids,” which still holds some merit, but on this night they showed me way more – Maybe “Neil Diamond on HGH with a dose of The War On Drugs,” works now. At any rate, word is they’ll be back early next year and we’ll be on top of that.






Pete RG

Pete RG setlist
Article: Shayne Hanley