Allison, Meegan, and Natalie Closner, the sisters who make up the band Joseph, were delighted to see such a crowd show up to their first show in the capital of New York. Not being very well known yet, they have had a busy year slowly making waves in the music scene. Their harmonies are beautiful to listen to, and I’m sure as they continue to gain more popularity they will be compared to Lucius, which isn’t a bad band to be named alongside.






Natalie played guitar on and off throughout the show and moved about the stage far more than her twin sisters Allison and Meegan did. Her free-spirit bounded all over the stage without a care in the world and a smile on her face. While Allison and Meegan also had smiles all evening, they kept to their microphones and just sang their hearts out. The three men backing them were tremendous, giving the songs the extra push that they deserved.






Joseph’s songs were hauntingly beautiful and moved from Indie Rock to Americana to Pop with ease. All three sisters shared lead vocals all night and any one of them could have been the sole lead singer, but it’s great to see all three share the duties. The ovation at the end of the evening took them aback and they thanked everyone profusely. Noting that they don’t normally play just solo on stage anymore, they came back without the three men and happily played “White Christmas” for the time of year. They then went into an amazing song titled “Sweet Dreams.” With the rest of their set mixing upbeat numbers with haunting slower songs, this last one mixed everything they had done all evening. It was an impressive end to the show. With the crowd blown away again, it was easy to imagine them playing this same set a year from now to a much larger audience. Look out for them next year as they continue to move upward.





Joseph setlist
Article: Bryan Lasky