We are really excited to premiere the sonically-catchy video from Western Scene called “Going Back” today.

Using hundreds of images from Google Street View, creator Emily Wilder, really makes the song come alive with emotion and depth while the track’s many layers wraps you tightly. Starting with rumbling bass, a catchy guitar lick and ethereal synths, “Going Back” immediately pulls us in and doesn’t let up for the duration while the lyrics are splashed across the screen.

If you like what you hear and see from the L.A. based indie-pop-rock group, you’re in luck as the band will be releasing more singles, leading up to a full-album release sometime this fall and we’ll be following along.

“We chased the song through rabbit holes and dark corners trying to get to the feeling of motion,” singer Tom Pritchard explained. ‘Moving forward towards something lush and bright and not looking back.’ The video was an Idea of the director Emily Wilder. She stitched thousands of Google Earth images together to fuse the songs feeling of exploration and motion.” – Western Scene


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