It’s not often that you’re invited to a house party in New York. After traveling deep into Bushwick, down Central Avenue, you come to a DIY Space known as Barranquilla Studios (really a house) with a basement large enough to host a full band and a circle pit. Four bands played Wednesday night, but it was the Los Angeles based Ramonda Hammer that brought the roof down.

Ramonda Hammer


The four-piece outfit led by Devin Davis is a grunge-pop band that is often compared to top bands of the ‘90s. Their music sounds familiar and conjures up past memories and listening experiences- the whirling guitars reminiscent of the Pixies, undertones of The Cranberries and early Gwen Stefani-like vocals – but their sound is completely their own. A light layer of grunge covers the anthemic musings of Davis and hard-hitting instrumentation of Andy Hengl, Justin Geter and Danny Louangxay.

Ramonda Hammer


Ramonda Hammer, named after a lady from the reality show Cheaters, paid no mind to the smaller basement space as the group tore through tracks off of its debut album Whatever That Means. They played their hit single, “Goddamn Idiot,” which initially focuses on one person who need to change, but carries the larger message that the world needs to transform and people need to stop acting like idiots. Ramonda Hammer also previewed its new single “Zombie Sweater” that will be released on Halloween.



While playing the group is chaotically in sync with one another. They are aware of each other’s’ location and move together, yet are in their own worlds as they rage. Regardless of the space, it’s worth checking out Ramonda Hammer live. They will be on tour through October and then will begin their month-long residency at The Hi Hat in Los Angeles.



Ramonda Hammer
Article: Alx Bear