Outside, the moon was like a white marble dipped in ink, and the first November chill was whipping up around the Lower East Side. But inside Pianos, the scene was hot and heavy. Walking in, you had to trace a very specific path to avoid being grinded on as the bar crowd danced all over each other. The fans inside the venue were no less revved up, screaming as Justin Baron took the stage for his last show of the year.

Backed by his strong ensemble, the singer brought out a rush of bluesy, bad-boy pop rock, soaking up the extreme proximity of Pianos as the drums shook the walls. Baron’s impressive vocal range kept the crowd on their toes, and his special attention to each word made the music hit home harder. The four-piece showed good synergy as they synced up for sharp, dramatic pauses, keeping the energy on the edge through their short-and-snappy set.

Justin Baron





It was a solid pop sound, embellished by Baron’s strong falsetto, and the band often cooked it up with their eyes closed. And they weren’t afraid to take on an unexpected cover, digging into a sultry take on Ariana Grande’s “Dangerous Woman” that gave the original a run for its money. Baron’s fiery new single, “Girl With an Ego,” closed out the set with a bang, enticing a wide range of fans with its brutally-cool beat.


Justin Baron



“I don’t wanna leave!” Baron laughed openly. “Can we..? No..? Alright..” he pleaded with a mystery authority in the back of the room. Based on all the squeals in the crowd, he wasn’t the only one who wanted to stay.




Justin Baron

Article: Olivia Isenhart
Photos: Shayne Hanley
SONG PREMIERE: "CRAVING" BY JUSTIN BARON - Pancakes And WhiskeyPancakes And Whiskey
[…] own Justin Baron, who just recently wowed us at Pianos for his last show of 2016, is out with a brand new single that we’re stoked to premiere on Pancakes & Whiskey today. […]