This past Friday November 20th, X Ambassadors played a show at the always-entertaining Brooklyn Night Bazaar. The energy that XA bring to their live performance is impressive. Front man Sam’s animated dance moves, released a joyous energy to each person in the crowd. The set included “Love Songs Drug Songs,” “Shining,” “Unsteady,” “Giants”, “The Business” and the ever-popular Jamie N Commons collaboration “Jungle.”

A few surprises were when XA called out their manager Seth and encouraged the crowd to sing along to Oasis’ “Wonderwall” for his birthday celebration. Brooklyn also got the privilege of hearing their newest single “Lowlife,” which sounded strong live. XA are on the rise and if there is ever an opportunity to catch them live, get on it, I promise you’ll walk away impressed.

Article by: Dana Pacifico

X Ambassadors

X Ambassadors

X Ambassadors

X Ambassadors

X Ambassadors

X Ambassadors

X Ambassadors

X Ambassadors

X Ambassadors

X Ambassadors

X Ambassadors

X Ambassadors

X Ambassadors

X Ambassadors

X Ambassadors

X Ambassadors

X Ambassadors

X Ambassadors

X Ambassadors

X Ambassadors

X Ambassadors

X Ambassadors

X Ambassadors

X Ambassadors

X Ambassadors

X Ambassadors

X Ambassadors

X Ambassadors

X Ambassadors

X Ambassadors

X Ambassadors

X Ambassadors


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