The visual experience – beads of sweat rolling down Jordan Cook’s face as he carved ruthless licks into his guitar strings (which also took…
The visual experience – beads of sweat rolling down Jordan Cook’s face as he carved ruthless licks into his guitar strings (which also took…
The funny thing about a debut record named Hear Me Out is how badly Reignwolf’s fans have been wanting to do just that. Request…
Jesse Wells is the coolest paradox. The music of Welles is an intense storm of sound and emotion that steals all your attention, and…
“Good deal, good deal.” “Cool beans – cool, cool beans.” Quiet affirmations like these followed the pure-rock explosions set off by Welles at Mercury…
For once, picking favorites was pretty easy. When the editors at P&W reflected on what we felt were the most important albums released in…
In the presence of rock heroes, like those that make up Seattle’s Walking Papers, it’s easy to go into overdrive trying to memorize every…
The line outside Kings Theatre on night two – abuzz with shivering ticket-holders discussing all aspects of Thom Yorke’s solo tour – not…
When I called IDLES frontman Joe Talbot, I could hear a few seconds of guitar fuzz and laughter before he found a quiet place…
Start your Friday rocking out to the newest release from Starbenders, “21st Century Orphan” – the first single from their forthcoming album – which…
It’s amazing that a band could have you strolling through a gallery of open-minded art and submerged in a whirlpool of sharp bones and…