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What makes a good artist? It may be the amount of culture of their background. Lowell, a young female Canadian artist, dropped out of school in Toronto at age eighteen and traveled around the world to London, Calgary, Georgia, Massachusetts, only to settle back in Canada. Her newest creation, “I Killed Sara V,” refers to her stripper name that she apparently used out of college – Sara Victoria. Lowell infuses hypnotic electronic beats, claps and snaps with a touch risqué lyrics. Lowell is also openly bisexual, exclaiming in the strongest track of the record, “Cloud 69”, providing an addictive beat and some sexual lyrics, “Let me throw you down while I look at her. Fuck all you bad boys” (You go, girl!).

She enables the listener into her world of shameless heartbreak, pouring out her soul to the listener with the opening track, “Words Were the Wars.” She takes you on vacation to a sunnier place with “Palm Trees” while staying true to her crazy self- “maybe I’m a psycho for love.” “Summertime,” another breezy California tune, Lowell shows her vocal range with some kick ass sweet and sultry high notes.

This record provides enough textures and colors to never get sick of it. Her layered, echoed vocals sway in the direction of a more laid back Bjork, with the European influences of First Aid Kit or Moby. Lowell makes you want to dance around in an Indian costume in your room, or providing a great soundtrack on any train.

Lowell has all the ingredients for a true artist. Her eclectic traveling background contributes to her dynamic throughout the record. Whether a sweet, minimalist ballad like the title track, or a hyped up party track like “88,” she provides an overall complete package that would appeal to any chick loving stoner electro pop music lover. And the girl is definitely easy on the eyes. Lowell will definitely be on our radar looking forward into the future.

Article by: Hillary Barleaux


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