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Most of who live in this city know exactly what it’s like to be surrounded by noise, all of the time. The new single from Monk Tamony called Back Of The Building is about those times when you just can’t escape the noise around you and just want to get away. The track is rife with rolling guitar riffs and a solid backbeat which gets our blood pumping for more from this new exciting duo. Comprised of Brooklyn born TJ Rosenthal (Vocals, Guitar) and Moroccan native Joe Zdaa (Drum, Vocals), Monk Tamony is a stellar, two-piece band producing punchy, hard-driving rock with unmistakable New York City attitude.


“I live in the back of a 100 year old building. The heat is so damn hot that the windows have to be left open in the winter. The neighbors in the next building are loud 24/7. Most of the time you just tune em out. One morning though these two guys were smoking and talking down below in between both buildings, at 7am.. for no reason. Nobody ever really goes back there to shoot the shit. It’s just a place to dump trash. Their bullshit session woke me up because it was the wintertime. So the bedroom window had to be wide open of course haha. It made me think man, it’s time for a goddamn vacation. The song wrote itself in thirty minutes. Literally.” – TJ Rosenthal




Follow Monk Tamony on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram and don’t miss their next show at Pianos on Monday 3-7-16 at 7pm



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