We get hundreds of submissions a week for songs, videos and albums and trying to digest all of it, can sometimes be a chore. We here at Pancakes do not care about status or the number of facebook followers you may have as an artist, simply put – if the music is good, we will blast it out.

Getting an email from a self-proclaimed “little known artist, with no bio” is always interesting as you just don’t know what your about to hear or see and that’s the fun part. Here’s what we do know about YISHAY; he’s tall, presently hails from South Central LA and just dropped an EP called Trinity Tapes II. When we listened to the EP, the track “Home” stood out immediately for it’s intensity, eclectic timing and lack of obvious genre. Listen to the track then snag the free download of the song here.




Home is about finding your own, feeling comfortable in your own skin, and living without compromise. It’s about being true to yourself and knowing that you can’t look to anyone else because that looks different for everyone. I recorded the song having just moved from the sleepy geographic center of North America to the hood in South Central LA. I was sleeping on a hardwood floor, surrounded by people that don’t even speak English. Nonetheless, I knew that I was home. – YISHAY


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